Sunday 18 November 2012

Lost in chemo world (and my own head)

Well I have been absent for quite a while – lost in chemo world.  But also lost in my own complex struggle with the world of blogging.

You see writing isn’t cathartic for me. I have never been a diary writer, except for the one attempt in my early twenties while overseas where most of the entries involve some description of alcohol and weed (yes my children know).

I am also not a journal writer. When I was diagnosed the first time my beautiful M gave me 2 blank journals with the direction to write it all down. There is one entry in that journal – a profound one that still rings true today – but the rest is still pristine and empty.

So why on earth did I start a blog to write down my experiences this time?

Well it seemed like a great way to communicate with people, keep them up to date without having to repeat the same story multiple times, a leap into the world of social media and the highly egotistical belief that I am hugely funny and have a way with words that the rest of the world just had to be exposed to.

So I started.  And there was a part of me that initially found it hugely satisfying but not in any cathartic way.
Rather than help me work through the issues that I was confronting dealing with a  second diagnosis of breast cancer, it became a vehicle with wish to play to an audience and entertain people about a fairly deep and distressing experience.

And yes I proved that I am in fact funny, have a way with words and say things that most nearly 50 year old woman wouldn’t say.

I was overwhelmed by the response to the blog.

But that was the catch. I then felt obligated to write, perform to an audience and keep delivering.

But once the initial “blogger’s high” wore off it became like a school assignment hanging over my head, with this self imposed pressure to keep writing posts. (Welcome to the world of the writer I can hear some of you saying)

It is true that after my first round of chemo I was in no shape to write anything but as I started to feel better there was this constant chatter in my head about the need to write something, people were expecting it, even waiting for it 
(OK so I am slightly co-dependent ), that I was lazy and self sabotaging an opportunity to create something that could be used to launch my post cancer writing career.

So much for learning to be kind to myself.

The other contributing factor is that I get bored quite easily and once I have achieved something then I am looking for the next thing to get me excited.
It happened with the marathon that I ran two years after my first diagnosis. I committed to achieving that, put in the training and completed it (in just under 4:30). I then thought about doing another but just couldn’t get excited about it.

Bit like been there done that…next.

So that’s the conflict – writing privately doesn’t give me a buzz, (and for those of you who know me, know I do love an audience) writing publicly does but then creates this pressure.

I also can’t bring myself to just write a summary of  what has happened to me – that would bore me and probably you as well.

So where does that leave me?

Not sure but it does provide great material for me to work on with my psychologist.

And I bet you thought that I talked about my cancer diagnosis, double mastectomy, chemo and all the stuff that comes with that. Ah that’s easy to deal with cos I have no responsibility for any of that. (and who am I trying to kid?)

So if you have made it this far through my self indulgent justification as to why I haven't written for ages let me just reassure you that I am in fact doing OK, there is no "nasty news" reason for me not writing and chemo is not all that it's cracked up to be.

Just like I am working hard on incorporating mindfulness, meditation and self-kindness into each day I may try to also set aside time each day to write and accept that whilst it may not be cathartic there is some intrinsic value in it.

Besides while being lost in the world of chemo and in my own head I have actually composed many  amusing blogs, which I know the world is just waiting to read. (Not)

No promises though.

I am still as always

P xx

Thursday 27 September 2012

Welcome to the Chemo Lounge

You can leave your hat on as you step inside.

Round One: Chemo vs P

And at this stage it would appear that I am winning.
Well my very bad cough and virus seems to have cleared up after the chemo. Not sure it is a recommended treatment for such common day ailments but I am actually feeling OK.

I am sure the very special drug regime that A/Prof E lined up for me certainly helps.

However it was a bit touch and go this morning as to whether I would even get to start.
I had called ahead on Tuesday and spoken to the breast care nurse to let her know that I was really unwell and that I did in fact have a temperature.

So they were waiting for me and I was ushered into a private room - make sure I kept my germs to myself.

Whilst I was certainly feeling a whole lot better than I had been the previous two days my attempt at the old makeup and lippy trick didn't seem to impress the oncology registrar. She wasn't convinced that I was well enough and the troublesome little nodes in my neck were of concern.

Any way they decided to do my bloods ( that's the lingo for getting a blood test - get with it) and see what my white cell count  was.

Now as I have written in previous posts I have a mild case of anticipation anxiety and I was a little anxious about getting the cannula in.

In preparation I had stuck 2 emla patches on the back of my hand hoping to cover the right vein. I felt a bit like that guy in the Libra Sanitary Pad advert who had stuck them all over his body. Wasn't quite that bad.

Well with the very steady hand of S the little cannula went in with hardly a blip. My anxiety levels dropped immediately

So bloods were taken and that meant we were free to go for a coffee and wait for the results. (again that waiting game)

Team Chemo today were the Fabulous M and my gorgeous daughter S. So we slipped out and enjoyed a great coffee.

And the good news on our return as was that my makeup and lippy had done their job and I was OK to start round one of IV Cocktails in the Chemo Lounge.

My Cocktail list is of the FEC  group. The official names are Fluorouracil, Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide ( not sure they are acceptable scrabble words)

The first lot is given via a large syringe which is slowly pushed through the cannula. It was a little uncomfortable but very bearable. This first cocktail is bright red - kinda of like a vodka and cranberry.
There are 2 of those that get given.
Then the next two are through IV bags. First one takes about 15mins and the second around 45 minutes.

And then when that is all gone through - a little saline flush and it was all done.

I actually can't begin to described how surreal this all feels. My body has been pumped full of essentially toxic chemicals and yet I am sitting here not really feeling anything different ( OK I know, don't tempt that chemo god)

And there is no doubt the waiting the anticipation and the the fear of the unknown have been so hard to deal with.

Last night was one of the toughest I have had in this whole time. I was feeling like shit, couldn't imagine that I would ever feel OK, and did dare to utter the words "this whole thing is so unfair and I don't deserve to have to be going through it"
Not one for self pity felt justified.
S was an angel and I actually let her reverse our roles - she "spooned" me in bed, stroked my head and just let me cry and be vulnerable. She stayed there till I drifted off to sleep.

This is all been made a little harder because Ducatilad can't be here with my physically. He is navigating his own stuff and needs to be the son he needs to be. We both get it, we just don't have to like it.

So here I am 8 hours post my first round and I still  feel I am on top of this. Just a relief to get started.
I am aware that there is till a long way to go and lots to get through.

But I think given everything this is as good as start as I could have hope for.

I am going to slip myself one of the little white pills that helps with both nausea and anxiety cos I figure a good nights sleep is a blessed thing.

Here's hoping it gets me through.

As always

P xx

Friday 21 September 2012

And the results are in

Well I got what I was hoping for - a definitive result from the test.

It's just that I was kind of hoping that it would be a definitive no, not a definitive yes.

In very simple terms the results show that as it stands I have a 23% chance of getting a cancer somewhere else in my body but  by giving me chemo this will reduce my risk by a further 30%. You can do the math but it is worth it.

 And the money was much better spent on this test than a chin augmentation and a new handbag.

So chemotherapy is my next gig. I start on Thursday and I will have 6 cycles, over 18 weeks.

I really regret not writing this straight after I got the results because my "hey I've just been thrown another big challenge" creative stimulus  had me firing with inspiration and so many funny one liners.

But I was very busy after the appt with my oncologist. There is so much stuff to get done, things to read places to go people to see. I can understand why people feel like they need a project manager to organise it. Maybe I can just outsource the whole experience.

I was going to write last night but with Ducatilad only in town for 36 hours I had better things to do late at night and we had consumed a very nice  French Bordeaux at dinner (make no apologies for TMI).

So tonight I am just tired, emotionally wrung out and pissed off.

Add to that I have a shocking cough, sore throat and I  feel like my body is doing a dress rehearsal for chemo.

 Again I am gunning for my good friend denial hoping that she will get me through the next few days as I focus on getting well physically so that my body can cope with the assault it is about to undergo.

But at least I now know that the cocktail of poison that will be delivered to my body will actually be of benefit.

Comfort? Not sure.

I did however take a proactive step in preparation - I went and had a very very short haircut.  
Now for those of you who know what I look like, you know that I wear my hair very short and chic. I have been letting it grow until I knew whether I was having chemo or not.Think the hormone therapy has made it thicker and coarser.  So off I went today to get the lovely Tara to crop it even shorter than I normally have it.  One up from a number one buzz. 

Just like I knew that I wanted to have a double mastectomy as soon as I was diagnosed this time, I knew that I didn't want to wait to have my hair fall out in random bits once chemo started. 

And no I am not taking preemptive measures anywhere else on my body.

Sleep won last night. I had intended signing off with a very pithy closing statement but I interrupted my blogging to watch Puberty Blues. Didn't make it to the end - awoke slumped like a Nana with my headphones in and the adverts on a loop.

I  am resting today in my fight against this cough and cold. I think my immune system is crying "enough" so I am trying to listen.

No doubt chemo will provide me with many funny moments and great blogging material. It's just at the moment I am struggling to see the funny side.

But I am as always

P xx

Thursday 13 September 2012

And waiting......

Cancer involves a lot of waiting.

I was all set to see my oncologist today to learn whether chemo was going to be of benefit to me in reducing my risk of another recurrence.
Yesterday I got a call from her receptionist to tell me that the results of the test were not back and therefore it was no point in coming in.

I didn't realise how much I had been focusing on that appointment, treading water till I could get some plan of action in place.

Appointment has been re-scheduled for next week. 

And so here I am waiting again.

In the meantime N's graduation was very special - if not very very very long. 6 hours in fact.
I am proud to share that he was awarded a prize for commitment. To what you may ask? Well to any cause that he felt worthy of pursuing. (often his own cause) It is a recognition of his determination and perseverance in things that mattered to him. A great way to end his school years.

I can also report that I found the leak in the mattress, repaired it and only had to re-inflate twice during the night.

I will again attempt to sleep on it tonight - perhaps I am also worthy of a perseverance award. 

In honour of R U OK? Day I can report that I am, even though I was bummed out yesterday when the appointment got cancelled.

So I will keep treading water, stay busy and wait.

As always

P xx

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Voices in my head

It is 4:50 am and I can't sleep. Several reasons for that. I am sleeping on the couch, not all that comfortable, my brain is very loud with chatter about all sorts of stuff and I am back to having hot flushes courtesy of the hormone therapy.

Why am I on the couch?

My mum arrived from interstate last night and she is sleeping in my bed. I did start out on the very swish inflatable mattress that she bought me, however I woke soon after with a sinking feeling and my hip pressed into the cold floor - it seems it has a leak and deflated itself. So I moved to the couch.

Why is my brain chattering?

Waiting for the results of the test to determine whether I have chemo is proving to be quite hard. I think I am most anxious about the possibility that the results wont be definitive one way or the other and then we will be back to weighing up benefits vs (whatever the opposite of that is) and  having to decide.

For me there will be emotional fall-out whether I do I don't have to have chemo. But I won't delve into my weird psyche around that until I have an answer one way or the other. 
(ah the anticipation of another post to keep you all coming back)

The other voice talking loudly in my head is "what am I supposed to do with this cancer experience"

I got an email the other day from my old manager who is also now a good friend and she wrote

“A little more than 6 weeks on and sometimes people forget that your life has been changed forever and nothing is as it was. “

6 weeks on and my physical wounds are healing really well and to the outside world, and to many of those in my inside world, I don’t look any different.

Am I different? I struggle with that.

I was in fact driving along yesterday trying to work out why I can't get my head around this cancer thing and no surprises, but what I realised was that I can't because I don’t want to. I wish it would all just go away and I could go back to where I was before. And I was quite happy there.

I don’t think I needed something to give me a kick up the arse to make me stop and see what I had, appreciate what was important and value the people I love. I was actually doing a pretty good job at all of that.

Seems cancer doesn’t follow one of those predictable Hollywood scripts – the one where the bastard who has spent all her* life accumulating material things, shitting on her co-workers, taking her friends and family for granted and then BAM she gets diagnosed with cancer and after she has recovered from her gruelling treatment (where of course she still looks glamorous through it all)
she suddenly sees, with great clarity, the folly of her ways and makes peace with everyone and lives happily ever after in a state of zenful bliss.

Reality is, most of us who get cancer are just plodding along, doing the best we can, being the good enough parent, partner, friend, co-worker.

OK I can’t speak for the entire cancer population but I can speak for myself.

When I was diagnosed the first time, my life had found a new balance. S had just started school, N was at pre-school, I was working 3 days a week, going to the gym, training for a half marathon, fit and healthy.

Fast forward 15 years and here I was getting ready to enter into the next life stage with S about to turn 21, studying interstate, N about to finish high school, a challenging job in a great team and sharing it all with an amazing partner.

 This all presupposes that cancer is somehow sent to us to teach us a lesson. And I am  sure that that is not the case.

But I’m not all that sure where I am heading with this ( it is after all 5:45 am and I have been up most of the night) but I do feel that there is this kind of weight of expectation that I should use this cancer thing to
make some changes, bring forward some decisions and re-think what it is I want for myself.

Or maybe that is just the pressure I place on myself. (OK for those of you who know me well you are probably all nodding your heads and going D'OH)

Perhaps I need to take my own advice when I wrote in the Now What...? books and that is that it is OK to come out of this whole thing still being the same, faults and all. (I wonder if you need to reference something when you are quoting your own work?)

So where does that leave me and you, my loyal readers?

Not sure. But I do know that I will have to find the leak in the mattress so it will stay inflated all night and I can get some sleep. And some meditation ( and perhaps some medication) to help me quieten my chattering mind.

In the meantime I am going to focus on today - a very special day. N is graduating from high school. Not sure who is more excited - him or me. I am very proud of him - school hasn't always been the easiest place for him to be and he has had some tough stuff to deal with. But he has had a great final year and has surprised many (not his mum) with how he as finished up. 

So here we are - the sun is up, I am wide awake and finally the loudest voice in my head can shut up - I have written another blog post!

I am as always

P xx
* in the interest of equality the bastard is  a she in this movie

Thursday 30 August 2012

A weeks worth of news

I am writing this from one of my favourite café’s in Ducatilad land where I am enjoying a few days of pampering and restoring with Ducatilad

There has been a lot going on in  the last week.

As I wrote in my last instalment I was very much looking forward to celebrating S’s 21st birthday. It was a welcome distraction and a reminder that milestones are important to mark and the joy of sharing it with people you love.

The weekend of celebration for S’s 21st allowed me to be just P, and not P with cancer. I can honestly say as I was standing at the bar, dressed in my Belle (as in Belle from Beauty and the Beast), costume that really needed a cleavage to hold it up, sharing pancakes, cowboys and the odd vodka shot I forgot that I had no boobs and that a little over 4 weeks before I was lying in hospital. This is the amazing capacity of the human brain to compartmentalise things and the power of alcohol to help you forget. Please no tutt tutting about that statement and let me clarify it was the cancer I forgot not the party.

There was a bit of a feeling of deja vu with S’s birthday and my cancer. At S’s sixth birthday I had only very recently finished my 6 weeks of radiotherapy for my first breast cancer. At the start of the radiotherapy I was marked up with gentian violet (like purple texta) so that they could blast me in just the right spot. (Seems they didn’t do a very good job as the f**cking thing came back). 

For some reason S hated these marks. At that stage the only thing I could promise her was that they would be gone by her 6th birthday. They were, we had a great birthday party and I looked resplendent in my Snow White costume.

Fast-forward 15 years and there I was 4 weeks post surgery for a second breast cancer, looking equally resplendent in my Belle costume.  

Just wish I could have promised her this time that we were over the treatment.

At the risk of veering into the TMI (too much information) lane, but delivering on my promise to be honest about my experiences, I wish to let it be known that having no boobs has had absolutely no impact on Ducatilad’s normal responses to me after not seeing me for a while.  And the same can be said for me. I feel attractive, loved and desired. (Ok I did leave my camisole on the first time)
The biggest step was being seen in the shower and you know what? That was OK too.  And this morning I simply wandered around as I always do – naked. (Apologies if that is an image that most of you don’t need).  

He promised me it wouldn’t make any difference and he was, as always, true to his word.

OK so now that I have made you all read about 21st Birthdays and my sex life I guess what you want to know is where are we up to with the oncologist and further treatment?

First up I should say that I was really impressed with A/Prof E. She was honest, patient and most of all was interested in me as a whole person, not just my cancer. Given my work, it is so encouraging to have a medical practitioner ask me about what psychosocial support I had, how my children were doing and what financial stress this may or may not cause me.

However the shock of the news that the she delivered to me last Thursday regarding the real possibility of having to have chemo did do my head in a bit.  (OK that is actually a really really huge understatement)

And of course there was lots of information given.

But fortunately trusted Na came with me to that visit and produced a comprehensive summary of the appointment which was enormously helpful in getting my head around it.

The main points were that given my pathology results, the fact that they think this cancer is a recurrence and that there is a risk of me getting another cancer the default position of the oncologist was to recommend giving me chemo.

Now chemo doesn’t work for everyone in reducing the risk of cells going feral and causing another cancer. The issue is that it is not easy to work out who will actually benefit so they tend to blanket bomb everyone to make sure those that do benefit will.

There is a test that is now being used widely in the States that can give oncologists a better indication of whether chemo will in fact benefit women like me in reducing their risk of getting a recurrence. Essentially it is a risk predictor tool that looks at the genes of the tumour to predict how likely they are to end up somewhere else (this is a very lay persons explanation)

My oncologist (so now there is my hairdresser, my beautician, my  therapist…) has been using this test and she trusts the robustness of it.
So while her default position was to recommend chemo – if we didn’t have access to the test, the test would give her more information and know that it in fact would be of benefit.

The  test isn’t covered here and it is costs more than a louis vuitton bag , a chin augmentation or a double mastectomy.

Cost isn’t the issue but the concern was that we would do the test, pay the money and then still be having chemo.

But if I am going to submit myself to 6 rounds of the equivalent of crop dusting, loose my hair, my eyebrows, eyelashes and feel like shit for 18 weeks then I guess we want to know that it is at least going to benefit me.

The upshot is that I have agreed to the test.  I don’t have to do anything. They take a small sample of the tumour and send it away to do the testing. That was done last Monday.

So now it is just a matter of waiting for the results. Not an easy space to be in as I can’t really plan for much as I don’t know what I will be dealing with. Again I am trying not to engage with it until I have to.

 However I have started on the hormone therapy, which we know, will be of benefit as my tumour was very hormone receptor positive. This means it needs female hormones to grow and reproduce. Hormone therapy works by stopping oestrogen from 'feeding' the breast cancer cells.

This involves taking a little white tablet once a day for 5 years. Not a big deal and I am hoping that I avoid any of the reported side effects like growing a small penis, facial hair and an attraction to women.*

It does all seem a bit surreal – every so often I have this urge to shake me head and go Whoa I have had cancer a second time. That is just so bizarre. Especially as I am now feeling and looking (if may say so myself) pretty good.  

In the meantime I could get very used to this life of writing in café’s and being pampered.

I intend to enjoy this time as it may all come to a bald, nauseas halt in about 3 weeks.

Well I think I have brought you up to date. Yes there has been a lot more emotional processing, which I will write about when I run out of actual news.

I can now stop beating up on myself for taking so long to write this. I know, cancer is supposed to make me stop placing all these expectations on myself, go with with flow, do what feels right, be zen and sit in the lotus position for hours on end. I am trying, honestly I am.

I remember last time waiting for the bolt to come down and hit me with all the answers to the meaning of life and a transformation to take place. It never really happened. 

This time though I think I might just wait a little longer, listen a little more closely and do things a little differently.

Because there are only two times in life - now and too late**

As always

P xx

* no surprises that these are not actually documented side effects
** this is not original but one of my favourite lines from Anh Do's book "The Happiest Refugee." Highly recommended reading.

Thursday 23 August 2012

6 line upate

I am in the usual state of exhaustion this late at night. Can't ever seem to get this written early. But I known that some of you are waiting for an update.

Yes I saw the medical oncologist this afternoon. 
No I wasn't expecting to be told what I was.
Yes there is the possibility ( in fact quite a big one) that I have to have chemo
No the final decision hasn't been made
Yes there is some more information that I may be able to access to help make that decision
No I am not going to go into more details

For the next few days I will be processing the information in order to make the decision that is best for me.

All this will be in the background as I have a big joyful weekend. It is S's 21st. And that is  the priority.

Ducatilad arrives tomorrow, S arrives on Saturday morning and by Saturday night we will all be dressed in 90's icon outfits celebrating in style. I am still trying to find a breastless icon.

So that is all there is for now.   Ok a few more than 6 lines.

Apologies if this has left people hanging - guess you will have to check back. One way to keep those page views going up. (think the fact that boob is in the title ensures some increased traffic)

So until then I am as always

P xx

Wednesday 22 August 2012

One month on

Hard to believe that 4 weeks ago I was aware that I had no breasts but couldn't bring myself to look at it, was relying on painkillers to get me through, had 2 drains, 2 IV cannulas, oxygen prongs up my nose, disposable undies up my bum and not sure how I was even going to make it to the loo.  

And here I am now almost pain free, able to look at myself in the mirror and kind of feel OK with it, driving, starting back at work, looking like nothing has happened but still with the occasional undie up my bum.

Feeling quite exhausted tonight. A combination of not sleeping all that well last night -  the lovely menopausal hot flushes have decided to visit again, a late night writing  text for N's HSC Visual Art major work and no Nana nap. 

Finding getting my head back into work  a little more difficult than I expected. Feels like I am in work la la land. ( have no idea where that came from ).  I'm pretty much an all or nothing sort of person, so this dabbling with my work is a bit of a challenge. Sort of back but not. And I get tired. Guess it will take a little while to navigate my way back. 

But as predicted the delete  button did get a good workout yesterday as I tackled my in box.

 Amazing how life just goes on whether you answer your emails  or not.

Tomorrow is the appointment with the medical oncologist to look at options regarding further treatment.  The big question will be whether poisoning my whole body is going to make a significant difference to preventing some rogue cancer cell going feral somewhere else in my body. I think that's an accurate reinterpretation of the  medical stuff I have read in preparation.  

It will be good to get a decision made. Whatever that may be.

I promised Ducatilad that I would have an earlier night so am afraid this is all I have to offer one month on from the day that so much, yet so little,* changed because

I am as always

P xx
* not sure about the use of those commas

Monday 20 August 2012

Easing back in

Well this morning I got up and prepared myself to go into work for the first time.

A little hesitantly I chose a regular work outfit as opposed to long sleeved T's, cardigans and jeans, not sure how it would sit on my new shape. 
Whilst I didn't fill out the top of my dress like I used to I am pleased to say, after a bit of makeup and some lippy I think I looked pretty good and certainly not like someone who has recently had a double mastectomy. 

Those who know me will attest to the fact that I have never been a wearer of outfits that show a lot of cleavage ( mainly because my 688g of breasts didn't give me one) or big boob flasher ( except that time when I was in my early 20's which we wont talk about) and  so I think that most of my clothes are going to be OK  and the difference not that noticeable.

It felt a little strange walking in through the entrance. I know that all of my team and my Division know where I have been, but I am not certain who else knows. I have no issue with people knowing but as often happens you have to deal with their uncomfortableness. 

I didn't actually do any work while I was there, except get my laptop set up so that I can start to work from home. I did talk to quite a few people, let's call that consulting to make it look legit. I also attended a thank you morning tea for staff and volunteers who are part of the organisations new marketing campaign. 

 In another serendipitous connection I actually appear in the commercial. At the time of filming I think I knew that I had the lump, but certainly didn't think it was of real concern. Funny how my first day back at work  had me sitting watching myself being part of publicly promoting the work that we do. 
Now I have to confess here that despite the almost hour and a half of filming that they did, I actually only appear for about 3 seconds - but what what a fantastic  3 seconds they are.

In one of those  "I  feel like sharing my story" moments I did chat to the producer and tell him that it all had a much closer connection for me now, given that in the time since filming I had been diagnosed and operated on. Yes he was shocked and also amazed at how well I look.

What I am starting to notice is that once people know that  I have had a double mastectomy, they do do this funny sort of furtive glance down towards my chest.  Kind of the reverse of having people perve at your tits ( not that I had had a lot of that happening in the past 10 or so years) 
In an ambush moment I may just be tempted to flash. Don't say you weren't warned!

By about 12 o'cock I was ready to go home. I am still surprised at how tired I get when I am out. I am not liking it, but I am trying to listen to my body. 
I felt very cared for by everyone and not at all guilty about the fact that I am taking it slowly.
Got home and crashed it on the couch for 2 hours. 

Tomorrow I will log on to my laptop and begin the process of catching up with what's in my in box -no doubt the delete button will get a good workout.

Have now tried to write a closing sentence about 10 times. Just not happening so I am giving up.

But I still am as always

P xx

Sunday 19 August 2012


Sunday afternoon and I have just finished watching Forrest Gump. Why that movie?

Well my sisters-in-law from Perth have been visiting me and we were talking about favourite movies. Forrest Gump made the list. I haven't watched it for ages so just decided it was a good way to spend an afternoon resting up from a big few days.

OK I forgot that Jenny dies at the end (but not from cancer) - so another little cry was had.

I have been quiet (well no postings but not really quiet) for the past few days as I have spent time with the said sisters - Aunty Anne as she is affectionately known and Becca.

Funny how life has a way of presenting you with what you need when you need it. We had been talking about having a girls weekend in Sydney for  a while and finally got schedules lined up and on the 2nd July they booked to come to me on the  16th August.

4 days later I was diagnosed. So the planned trip couldn't have come at a better time. 

Something to look forward to, I would be on the road to recovery and I would get spoilt and have some family around.

They arrived on Thursday night bringing much needed family connections and spoil me they did.

We had a fantastic few days - I did of course do a bit too much but am getting much better at being  honest enough to say I have had enough and slip home for a little lie down.

We ate far too much and drank about the same amount.

As I was sipping on my (not going to admit to the number) glass of mulled wine I had a rather liberating thought. You know that link between red wine and breast cancer?  Doesn't really apply to me anymore. No breasts, no breast cancer.  So I can now fill that glass of red guilt free. Gotta be some benefits to having no boobs.

It was a good distraction having them here and certainly lifted my mood from last week. But it is a  funny thing this cancer stuff - it consumes my thoughts nearly every waking moment. But I am not sure if that would be the case if I was  recovering from  major surgery for any disease and my surgical wounds reminded me all the time of what I had had done.

I guess the difference is that while my wounds will heal, I will never look the same.

I wonder how long it will take for me to look in the mirror and just see me?

But I am starting to get used to it. It surprises me a little that I am  not more self-conscious when I go out - but I know that most people would have no idea that rather than looking a little flat chested I am in fact  completely without anything there. Except for this weird bit of rib on my right side that sticks out and makes me look a bit like a prepubescent girl with those little buds we all got before we got real boobs - remember that happening?

The pain is getting better and Dr Dave was right about the sandpaper feeling being caused by the skin being very dry - moisturising helps a lot. I can also lift both my hands above my head and almost sleep on my side. Big achievements.

Tomorrow I begin the process of re-entering the real world - work.

 As I have mentioned before I work for a large cancer organisation so I am very fortunate that I have a  supportive work environment so it will be a gradual return to work. Tomorrow I am having my laptop set up so that I can work from home for the first week.  

It is amazing. I haven't even checked my emails (work that is) since I have been off and it is a very good lesson.
We are not indispensable, and the world will continue if some projects need to get pushed back a little, or someone does things a little different to the way you may do it or if we have to give up control over things or even that emails don't get answered immediately. I have been able to let it go and that has certainly helped me focus on just recovering. 
I am very grateful to my manager and the rest of my team.

So here it is again late on a Sunday night and I am still trying to get this finished. 
Have skped with my mum in Perth  and daughter S in Brisbane, been to the supermarket, cooked dinner, talked to Ducatilad and helped N write some rhyming lines for his HSC Visual Arts work. Been busy.

Hard to believe that this time last week I was waiting to see Dr Dave to get the pathology results. This week I have an appt with the medical oncologist because of those results.

Who knows what I will get at that appt  but as Forrest Gump says "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" (but I am really hoping that chemo isn't one of the flavours in my box).

Sleep has been calling for the past 30 minutes - time to listen.

So I am as always

P xx

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Fall out

Well as predicted there has been some emotional fall out from my appointment with Dr Dave on Monday.

There has been a lot of processing both of the information he gave me and my reactions to it. 

And probably no surprise to anyone (except perhaps me) it culminated in a very big cry last night and  the admission that I don’t like the fact that I have no breasts, that I feel disfigured (there I have said it) and that I have had breast cancer.

I was very tired, sore and frustrated that doing normal things required a much bigger effort.

I had driven for the first time, been to have a facial which was heaven but required an explanation about my sensitive upper chest and shopped and cooked dinner.

Feeling OK within the confines of home is one thing – re-joining the outside world another.

Added to that, on Monday Dr Dave took off all the steri-strips to expose the surgical wounds. They looked raw and fresh and I found it more confronting than I expected.

Yes he has achieved a good cosmetic result but you know what – the cosmetic look I had before was just fine thank you.

So all of that just tipped me over and it is a been a strange conflict of emotions since.

Remember I wrote that it all seemed like a bit of an overreaction to one small lump in my breast?

Well as we all now know the pathology results showed that in fact I didn’t just have one small lump, but that the cancer cells were much more widespread in my breast.

So on the one hand I now feel justified in making the decision to have a double mastectomy because in fact I had “real” breast cancer (The reason for the inverted commas is because I was actually asked once by someone if I my first breast cancer was “real” and no I didn’t slap her) but on the other hand I am struggling coming to terms with the knowledge that it wasn’t just a little lump.

Not sure that that makes any sense. I think much of it is connected to my experience the first time I was diagnosed and the fact that I “only” had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.  (That needs a whole post to itself)

On a lighter note, and there is an  intended pun here, Dr Dave gave me a copy of the pathology report to take home. 
Apart from the fact that the report contained detailed information about the cancer, the size and the grade, what was most disturbing was the rather pathetic weight of my boobs.

Between them they weighed 663gm; the right was 388g and the left 275g

The packs of chicken breasts I buy for schnitzel weigh more than that.

Guess I won’t be noticing that weight difference when I next step onto the scales.

As promised I also asked him about the difference in the charge for the right and left breast. Seems it has nothing to do with a home shopping discount offer but rather the more mundane way that Medicare apportions costs for multiple procedures in the same operation. Boring.

So yes it has been a rough few days since I saw him. Relieved that the decision was a good call yet still trying to come to terms with what had been  growing in my breast and the fact that I may need more treatment.

As Van Morrison wrote " Mamma said there would be days like this" and I guess he was right.

P xx

Monday 13 August 2012

What the Dr said

As predicted I didn't stop at one.

So this will be a very short post. I need to process what has happened today and also write with a much clearer head.

I saw  Dr Dave today. The news was good but not what not I expected. I sense it wasn't what he expected either.

In a nutshell the decision to have a double mastectomy was the right one and as it turns out not just for  reasons of symmetry.

As he told me, given the pathology results of the left breast, he would have recommended that I have the right one done as well. It seems that my breast likes to produce cancer cells.

Shit am I glad that I didn't have to go in for a repeat performance

Basically I had a 1.3 cm invasive ductal carcinoma as well as 80mm of ductal carcinoma insitu. In  lay terms this means there was  lot more cancer cells in the left breast than originally thought.

So the next steps are  an appointment with the Medical Oncologist to discuss what the benefits may or may not be of having chemotherapy, some hormonal therapy and more red wine (OK my prescription not the Dr's).

Yes the news is good, but it wasn't what I expected. Don't think it was what Dr Dave expected either.

Well I have just logged on and realised that the last bit of this post that I wrote last night after a few reds didn't save. Bugger

I do remember that I was pleased with what I had managed to compose, but of course cannot reproduce it now.  

There was something about maybe now having to accept that I do fit into that category of 'women with breast cancer' and writing again when I could be more erudite and my acerbic wit was on game.

So in the meantime the above is what I have to offer as I promised to let you know what happened at the Dr's.

There will be more but until then

I am as always

P xx  (without the expected sore head)